Monday, December 25, 2017

10 Best Self-Publishing Guides for Writers


Self-publishing has really taken off for a lot of writer's.  Gone are the days of sending your manuscript into a publishing house.  You can be your own boss.

Here are 10 best self-publishing guides to help you get started on your self-publishing journey.

 1. Successful Self-Publishing: How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and print (Books for Writers) By JoannaPenn

Written by best selling author Joanna Penn, she gives you her best tips in this quick read.  Covering topics such as what you need to know before you self-publish; formatting an eBook; publishing in print, how to market your book and much much more. 

2. The Author Startup: A Radical Approach to Rapidly Writing and Self-Publishing Your Book on Amazon By Ray Brehm

Ray Brehm guides you through the process of creating a viable product for your book and creating a momentum complete with an action plan to get you started.

3. Write. Publish. Repeat.: The No-Luck-Required Guide to Self-Publishing Success By Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant

Not your usual dose of friendly advice from best selling authors Johnny B. Truant and Sean Platt, unearth fascinating insights and strategies to self-publishing.

4. The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published: How to Write It, Sell It, and Market It...Successfully By Arielle Eckstut

Featuring real-life self-publishing stories, as well as sample proposals and query letters find out how you can build your reader following, get your own agent, understand a book contract, cultivate marketing and publicity savvy.

5. Let's Get Digital: How to Self-Publish and Why You Should By David Gaughran

One of the most comprehensive and up-to-date self-publishing guides on the market today.  Bestselling author David Gaughran's book is jam packed with practical, actionable advice.  Let's Get Digital conveys the very latest and best practises on publishing your work and finding readers.

6. Self-Publishing on Amazon: No Publisher? No Agent? No Problem By Dr Andy Williams

Written for both experienced and published writers alike Self-Publishing on Amazon 2017 shows how simple it is to publish a book on Amazon and gain a full-time income from your book sales.  With in depth information about creating, formatting and selling books Dr Andy Williams has it covered.

7. 14 Steps to Self-Publishing a Book By Mike Kowis, Esq.

Award winning author Mike Kowis took careful notes on each step of writing his first book and turned his book into an edgy guide for all writers alike.

8. The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book By Marilyn Ross and Sue Collier

Publishing expert and bestselling authors Marilyn Ross and Sue Collier show you how to make your own success.  From newcomer to published author this expanded and completely revised 5th edition of the "bible" of self-publishing will empower you to publish your own work with minimal work and maximum profits.

9. Self-Publisher's Legal Handbook: Updated Guide to Protecting Your Rights and Wallet By Helen Sedgwick

Written for authors to stay out of court and at their desks.  The Self-Publisher's Legal Handbook helps writers navigate the legal aspects of writing and independent publishing.

10. How I Sold 80,000 Books: Book Marketing for Authors By Alinka Rutkowska

Alinka Rutkowska shows you how to sell a truckload of books and more in this comprehensive guide.

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Read more:

Why You Should Think About Being an Indie Author

Knowing Your Publishing Options: Traditional Publishing

Know Your Income Options After You've Published a Book

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