Wednesday, January 17, 2018

80 Best Websites for Writers 2018

The paths to writing are innumerable, from journalism to creative writing, starting a blog to writing a book, and becoming famous.

Whatever path you choose there's bound to be a blog or community to suit your need, and help you get there.

Want to start your own writing community or blog follow my step-by-step guide to starting your own blog. You never know your website could be on this list!


1. Be a Freelance Blogger

2. Copyblogger

3. Problogger

4. See Jane Write
Creative Writing

5. Aliventures

6. Almost an Author

7. Ann Kroeker

8. Australian Writer's Centre

9. Bang2Write

10. C.S.Lakin's Live Write Thrive


12. Elizabeth Spann Craig

13. Eve Deverell

14. Fiction University

15. How to Write a Book Now

16. Goins Writer

17. Inky Girl

18. Journalist's Resource

19. Lauren Carter

20. Nicole Bianchi

21. One Stop for Writer's

22. Positive Writer

23. Pro Writing Aid

24. Psychwriter

25. Re:Fiction

26. The Write Practice

27. Tweetspeak Poetry

28. Write or Die

29. Writerology

30. Writers Helping Writers

31. Writers in the Storm

32. Writer Unboxed

33. Writers Write

34. Write to Done


35. Grammar Girl

36. Kathy Steinemann

37. Writership

38. Scribendi


39. Elna Cain

40. Freelancer FAQs

41. Freelance to Freedom

42. Freelance to Win

43. Freelance Writing

44. The Freelancer's Year

45. FundsforWriters

46. LittleZotz Writing

47. Make a Living Writing

48. Pen & Pro$per

49. Writers Weekly

50. Writing Revolt

51. Where to Pitch


52. Bakerview Consulting

53. Enchanting Marketing

54. HubSpot

55. Kikolani

56. Seth Godin

57. Shellley hitz

58. The Creative Penn

59. Writers Boon

60. Anne R. Allen

61. Cooks and Books

62. Helping Writers Become Authors

63. Jane Friedman

64. Janet Reid, Literary Agent

65. My Story Doctor

66. Nail Your Novel

67. Novel Publicity

68. Publish a Profitable Book

69. Well-Storied

70. Standout Books

71. The Book Designer

72. The Steve Laube Agency

73. Writer's Digest Editor Blogs

74. Writer's Relief

Writing Communities

75. A Writer's Path

76. Booksie

77. Chronicles

78. Free Writing Events

79. Inked Voices

80. NanoWriMo
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  1. Thank you for featuring Bang2write!

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  3. Thanks so much for the inclusion of Pen & Prosper!

  4. Thanks, Helen. I appreciate your confidence in my site.

  5. It also helps learn the fine nuances of writing in a particular genre and what works best in that genre. Reading the works of other writers also helps a writer take a fresh perspective on a given topic.


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