Friday, September 07, 2018

8 Bestselling Books on Writing You'll Ever Need

You want to be a good writer?

You need to read.

All good writers read.

Signs of this will be seen throughout any good writer's work, especially in the presentation of grammar and punctuation. The truth is that good writing comes from reading the best material out there.

Don't get me wrong that doesn't mean that all reading material is the same. You need to spend your time reading the best books you can get your hands on, whether it be non-fiction like a book on writing or fictitious book like a novella.

Try reading the genre that interests you the most, you'll soon discover the difference it will make to your writing. You need to spend your time wisely by making time to read. If you find it difficult to sit for an hour or so reading try doing a quarter of an hour and build it up slowly. If that's too difficult, try an eBook.

The Writer's Reading List

Yes grammar and punctuation are important, and practice is to, but how you communicate this to your audience is crucial.

These are some of the books on Amazon's bestseller list for writing:

1. The Elements of Style By William Strunk Jr and E B White

An American English Writing style guide, the most prescriptive treatment of English grammar and it's usage.

2. On Writing By Stephen King

Hugely enlightening for any aspiring writer, a million-copy bestseller, Stephen King shares his experiences, habits, and convictions that have helped shape him and make him the writer he is today.

3. Writing Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Writers By Jennifer Serravallo

Jen Serravallo has collected 300 of the most effective strategies to share with writer's everywhere, and grouped them together into 10 crucial goals.

4. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life By Anne Lamott

Advice about writing and on life from acclaimed bestselling author Anne Lamont.

5. The Author Startup: A Radical Approach To Rapidly Writing and Self-Publishing Your Book On Amazon By Ray Brehm

The Author Startup will show you how to create a viable product and publish your book, build momentum and market your book.

6. On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction By William Zinsser

Highly praised for its sound advice, On Writing shows with the clarity of its style and warmth the fundamental principles as well as insights from a distinguished writer and teacher William Zinsser.

7. The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide To Character Expression By Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi

Highlighting 75 emotions and listing the possible body language cues, thoughts, and visceral responses for each, all in an easy-to-use format.

8. The Writing Life By Anne Dillard

A short collection of essays written by Annie Dillard, illuminating the dedication, absurdity, and daring that characterize the existence of a writer. 

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