Monday, June 27, 2022

How to Make Your Affiliate Links More Visible


Advertising has changed over the years, especially since the birth of the internet.  Every business and brand out there is trying to promote their own links, and some with little to know advertising budget at all.  Some people prefer to use older forms of advertising such as; flyers, card placement, and posters.  But the internet has changed all of that, and most advertising can be seen through social media.  

We're going to take a look at some of the main channels you can use to promote affiliate links, and get your writing and affiliate business out there.

Research Your Product

If you've chosen a particular product to promote, then the next step is to know what you're talking about.  You may already have background information about the product, and have picked something you've seen on Amazon that you know will be easier to promote. 

One of the biggest things people look for is something that's well established or been around a while.  This gives them confidence when they decide to buy that particular product because they already know it's been well-used by other people.  The more information and experience of how the product has been used the more people will want to buy from you.

Use Your Own Personal Experience

Background is good to a point, but the real clincher is being able to give a personal account of something you've used yourself.  Talk about the times you used this particular product, and how useful it was to you at the time.  Why it made your life easier, and any problem it might have fixed.  Making things personal will help you to connect with your audience and understand the problems they're having.  People love a good problem solver!

Put Together Your Own Course

Courses offer a different kind of solution for people to watch and learn from than a blog post.  It gives you the opportunity to really dig into the finer details of the product as well as a showcase for the world to see.

You can create a course showing your readers a simple step-by-step guide on how to use the product and what it has to offer. You can include all of the best points and information specifically for your course and offer that as an incentive to your audience.  

Of course links to your website will be included within the information given to the viewers of the course, along with any additional discounts that might be on offer.  

People utilise platforms like Udemy or Coursera to create their own courses.  These sites will bring traffic along with other benefits that will help sell your affiliate links.  Always make sure your own website links are included within your course details and marketing campaign. Courses offer a different kind of solution for people to watch and learn from than a blog post.  It gives you the opportunity to really dig into the finer details of the product and be a showcase for the world to see.

Create a Simple Tutorial

Tutorials are another way of exhibiting your product and showing it off.  This could be a simple guide or a demonstration of a product, that could be an easy run through of what's on offer and not something as detailed as a course.

Your language should be straight to the point and not to elaborate, because this has to appeal to as many people as possible.  

Write a Case Study About Your Product

Case Study Definition

A case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case (or cases) within a real-world context.  For example:, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment, case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time (e.g. a specific political campaign) to an enormous undertaking (e.g. a world war).


This kind of report gives you the opportunity to list or itemise all of the product's details and services, and how it can have the potential to solve a reader's problem.  

Here are some important points to include in your case study:

  • Where or what brand the product is.
  • Why was it made?
  • What features it includes.
  • What it's function is.
  • How people can use it in real life.
  • What affects customers can expect when they use it.
  • A situation you might have already used it in.

The case study does what it says on the tin, and should be an in-depth report of everything you need to know about that item.  

Try a Free Giveaway

These aren't the easiest kinds of campaigns to put together, but when done properly can attract more people to your website and links. 

Giveaways are commonly used to gain certain marketing goals such as:

  • Building-up an email list.
  • Expanding your social media following.
  • Or growing your website traffic.

To do this you need a brand to sponsor a prize, and then ask people to put their ticket into win it. 

It's always best to make sure that giveaways are something your affiliate network is happy to do before you proceed.

Use the News to  Promote Your Affiliate Links

Current events and news stories are the perfect opportunity to promote certain products, particularly if they're affiliate links.  Readers will gain a sense of  urgency that requires action, through stories connected to current events, and that's when you create posts that will really grab your audience's attention and draw them.

Recommend Your Products

People love recommendations, particularly if someone else has used the product already.  Highlighting something that you think is important will reassure people that you're trustworthy and that all of your links are worth clicking on.  

If you use the right strategies and make your work transparent and interesting you can't go wrong.

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