Monday, August 19, 2024

Finding a Target Market for Your Books on BookBub


Try, Try Again

Tis a lesson you should heed,
If at first you don’t succeed,
Try, try again;
Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear
Try, try again;

Once or twice, though you should fail,
If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again;
If we strive, ‘tis no disgrace
Though we do not win the race;
What should you do in the case?
Try, try again

If you find your task is hard,
Time will bring you your reward,
Try, try again
All that other folks can do,
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
Try, try again.

By T. H. Palmer: “Teacher’s Manual” (1840), page 223

Try, try again is something you get used to when you start marketing your books.  It comes with the territory, and sometimes it can be really frustrating.  All you need is one good target market and that can last you for three months or more depending on the amount of reader's attached to the author.

We're going to take a look at some strategies you can use to help you on your way, and make your marketing life a little easier.

5 Strategies to Help You Target the Right Reader's for Your Book

1. Target Reader's By "Customers also bought items by" on Your Amazon Author Page

I find this a useful place to start, and it can be found quite easily at the bottom of your Amazon author page.  You can look at the genre and see if it suits your category, and then look the author up in "author" targeting on your ad campaign page.

2. Target Author's Through Amazon Search

Amazon is one big search engine and let's face it, sells millions of books.  If you're already an author on Amazon, use it as a search engine to find like-minded author's like you to target your book's.

3. Use a Simple Banner to Drive Sales to Your Nonfiction Books

All of my books are nonfiction, so my campaigns tend to be very simple in format, and nothing to fancy.  

If you want to know more about advertising your fiction book on BookBub they have a mountain of information.  Click here to find out more.

4. Finding the Right CTR for Your CPC Ad Campaign

CTR (click-through-rate) can vary greatly across genres and campaigns.  You could have a campaign with a 1% or less CTR and get over 1600 impressions.  You have to figure out what will work best for your book and campaign and if it's enough to get the sales you're looking for.

5. Target a Smaller Audience

The ad campaigns that work the best on BookBub are those that target author's with a small readership.  BookBub will quickly tell you if your target market is too wide, so don't worry just keep researching and looking for the right author to target.

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