Sunday, October 20, 2024

55 Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Health as a Writer

  Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag. Invest in yourself.


I always think the best way to start changing your health is to start small and gradually build up and add new things to your daily routine gradually.  That way you won't give up easily at the beginning, but will be able to continue at your own pace, feeling the benefits of the changes as you go.

Let's take a look at simple changes you can make to improve your health as a writer.

1. Be as active as you can throughout the day, and don't let age stand in the way.

2. Eat in moderation.

3. Eat whole fruits instead of juice because they're full of fibre and better for you.

4. Get rid of all the stuff you don't need, clothes, shoes, gadgets, anything you no longer have a use for and destress.

5. Eat what you need when you feel hungry.

6. Spend some time outside during the day, get your daily dose of sun and get closer to nature.

7. Add herbs and spices to your meals, and add a bit of flavour to your day.

8. Go natural with your skin and stop using products loaded with chemicals.  You'll find your skin can look after itself, given the chance.

9. Use the 20/20/20 rule and reduce eye strain.  Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and stare at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

10. Only use social media when you have to.

11. Learn to laugh more.  Watch a funny movie or read a funny book.

12. Start journaling.

13. Natural salt (not table salt) is actually good for you.  Start adding a little to your meals and bring some real flavour into your life.

14. Healthy fats are good for you (you can find them in olive oil, salmon, butter, to name a few).  Stay clear of trans fats and saturated fats.

15. Start walking, do 15 mins a day and build up.

16. Massage your arms, elbows and décolletage at night for a soothing and calm night's sleep.

17. Cry when you need to.  Let your emotions out.

18. Add healthy protein to your diet, such as eggs, lean meat, fish and poultry.

19. Listen to relaxing classical music, or whatever you feel soothes your mind.

20. Wash face and body towels after 7 days, to keep them clean.

21. Finish your warm shower with a blast of cold water at the end.

22. Change your bedding regularly (every one to weeks).

23. Don't eat late at night, your digestive system will thank you for it later.

24. Include a walk of 10,000 steps or more at least once a week in your daily routine.

25. Use the stairs instead of the lift.

26. Stay away from takeaways and junk food.  Only have them as a treat.

27. If you love snacking, try snacking on dry fruit, celery sticks or a few nuts.

28. Plan your meals every week, and only buy what you need. 

29. Stop eating large portions, eat what you need.

30. Drink plenty of water.

31. Stay away from fizzy drinks, and fruit juice.  Drink water instead.

32. Add honey and ginger to your tea.

33. Think positive.

 34. Take breaks away from your computer screen every hour.

35. Don't use your laptop in bed.

36. Learn to look after yourself more, and take time out when you need it.

37. Listen to your body, it will tell you when you need to slow down or rest.

38. Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride free toothpaste/powder/soap.

39. Don't eat anything 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed.

40. Try fasting, start small and build up.  You'll see a difference with your health.

41. Create a daily routine that includes work, exercise and getting out in the fresh air.

42. Learn to read food labels, don't be caught out by all of the hype.

43. Create a menu of meals for yourself and your family every week.

44. Don't eat when you're bored.

45. Avoid processed food, and eat it like it's a treat, once in a blue moon.

46. Learn to sit up straight, and improve your posture.

47. Drink your coffee black.

48. Add lemon to water, it helps with digestion.

49. Buy a gym mat, and exercise at home.

50. Nap when you need to.

51. Read more often, and expand your mind.

52. Learn to like house work and all of the bending and stretching that comes with it.  Think of it as extra exercise during the day.

53. Take a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil everyday.

54. Learn to listen to your body more.

55. Give yourself goals to achieve, things you want to do in life.

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