Monday, October 14, 2024

9 Things You Can Do to be a Healthier Writer

The first wealth is health.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

It doesn't matter what your vocation in life is, whether it's a writer, editor or plumber, if you're aiming for longevity, you need to keep your mind and body healthy.

The Desk Lifestyle of a Writer

A writer's life is predominantly sitting at a desk for hours on end.  As I've talked about in previous blog posts, a sedentary lifestyle can shorten your life, and take a toll on your mental health.

Let's take a look at some health issues that you may be susceptible to:

  • Vision problems
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Blocked arteries
  • Obesity
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

And that's just the short list.

So what can you do to change your writing lifestyle? 

9 Simple Changes You Can Make to Your Day 

1. Stay Hydrated and Drink Water

 A glass of water will not only quench your thirst but will also:

  1. Improve the health of your heart
  2. Help lessen joint pain
  3. Boost your energy
  4. Improve your digestion

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

There are so many different diets out there, which can be really confusing.  Stick to naturally grown fruits and vegetables, and eat meat, poultry, fish and dairy.  Keep your diet simple, don't complicate things, and learn to cook simple meals, and you'll see a big difference in your overall health and energy levels.

3. Cut Down on the Amount of Processed Foods You Consume

Processed foods are one of the biggest killers in today's diet.  Refined sugars, trans fats all work towards an unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to lots of problems.  Slowly cut down on processed foods, aim for fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, fish and meat.

4. Add Walking to Your daily Routine

If you're struggling to lose weight, or don't want to join a gym, then walking is free and one of the best ways to keep fit.  I know this because I make it a regular part of my day.  If you hate exercise, start small and do 15 minutes, then gradually build up until you can manage an hour walking.  The difference in your overall health and energy levels will make you want to do more.

5. Set Aside Time to Write

Give yourself a writing window each day, an amount of time you're going to sit down and just write.  If you need separate time to do your social media, factor that into your day as well.  Managing your time will allow you to fit in exercise time, eating, and anything else that you need to do during the day.

6. Get Plenty of Sleep

A good night's rest will help your body repair and restore energy levels for the next day.

7. Take Time Out When You Need It

Life can feel like a roller coaster at times which is why it's important to step to one side and rest if you feel like you're burning out.  

8. Switch Your Devices Off

Spend time away from your devices and computer, give yourself a break everyday if you can.

9. Make Time for Family and Friends

Make time for your loved ones and friends, it will make a big difference to your life all around. 

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