If you're not that familiar with BookBub and their auction process, we're going to take a look at all of the relevant steps you need to run a winning campaign.
The Difference With BookBub Ads
BookBub ads aren't like other advertising platforms, they allow you to promote any book at any time through BookBub and Chirp emails. You decide how much budget you want to spend, your ad creative, and for how long you want to run your ad.
How Does BookBub Decide Where and When an Ad is Shown to the Audience?
BookBub ensures that a space for winning ad appears at the bottom of each email under the featured books. Simply put, each ad that wins the auction will start getting impressions, and the more impressions mean more clicks.
The Winning Elements for an Ad on BookBub
The look of your ad
The impact your ad has on readers depends on whether or not your audience likes the advertisement. It has no bearing on whether your ad will be shown or not.
Amount of click through links
These are the links shown on the ad setup page and usually includes Amazon US and UK along with alternative links you may have, to guide people to purchase to other online bookstores.
Your target audience
Your target audience is the author or category you've chosen to target your audience.
Amount of time ad will be live
This depends on both your budget and how long you want your ad to run.
The budget spent on the ad campaign
Again, this will be down to how much money you have to spend and how long your ad will run.
The maximum bid you want to pay to reach your target audience
Your bid will determine how many impressions you'll receive and how many readers you'll reach. It's the most important part of your advertising.
Only the last four elements determine which readers will see your ad and when the ad will be shown.
What I learned advertising through BookBub
You can't guarantee the same amount of clicks everyday
The amount of clicks you receive will change day to day. This is a given and part of the advertising process.
Repetition and Consistency
Once you find a campaign that works, repeat over and over again until your sales drop.
It Pays to be Seen
Your books need to be seen for you to make any money. The right advertising will do this for you.
Explore every avenue
If you've written more than one book, keep on testing your other books for new campaigns. That way you'll have a steady flow of sales.
Decide which auction model suits your marketing strategy.
Don't Give Up!
You need a strategy to build sales on, from there you can navigate through each month's advertising campaign.
Marketing is hard, but once you start to get the hang of it things will start to click into place.
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